
Site Flipping Cash

Title : Site Flipping Cash
Author : The Unselfish Marketer
Language : English
Page : 97 Pages
Size : 669 KB
Categories : internet marketing

Content :

Your Plan Of Action: Site Flipping
Maybe you've never written a snippet of HTML code, but would like the opportunity to flip a web site and make a profit. Well, today's technologies and online services make it pretty easy for anyone to get started building and selling websites. All the information is out there for the person who wants to become a web entrepreneur. But, this e-book gives you information on not just putting up a web site, but also how to position it to become as valuable as a piece of real estate property that you want to flip for a profit. For that, you will need to know some basics on what you need to get a web site up and running. While there are a myriad of technical details to this, you can find that out either by Googling terms or asking your service providers. We will list a number of different resources that can be mined for technical information at the end of this e-book, in the Resources section. This chapter deals with general information on how to plan to succeed by either learning what elements you will need to establish any web site, or also where to go find some of these services.
If you are just first starting out, this information is highly important, and even for those of you that have your own resources, you may find some additional tidbits
to make the structure of your business more efficient of money-saving

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